
Chicken Run



SimonSays Games


SimonSays Games is an AR game aiming at people who like music and puzzle games. When people target the camera on a flat plane, it will display a virtual keyboard. After starting the game, the keyboard will play a pattern for players to follow. If players make a mistake, they can restart the game or replay the pattern.  The pattern will get more difficult each round.  

  • Year : 2018

  • Project Type: Solo Project

  • Tech: Unity, ARkit

  • My Deliverables: Interactive Design, Game Design and C# Coding

  • Project Duration: 1 Week



To make the game more interesting, I add some music elements to this game. Each SimonSays game needs a carrier to display its patterns.  As for my SimonSays game, I think the DJ keyboard should be the best carrier. 


For the techniques, I want people can play at the different plane. I decided to combine ARkit with Unity.


When people hit the start button, they can start the game. Then, the keyboard will play the pattern first. Players can follow the patterns after the demonstration.

Chicken Run-Inspiration01.jpg
Chicken Run-inspiration02.gif

I built three levels. Each of them is difficult than the former one. There are two buttons near the keyboard. People can push the "replay" button if they fail to pass the level. People can push the "Restart" button whenever they want to go back to the first level.  Also, a title of each level is on the top of the keyboard. 

Code on Github:


© 2018 By Fanyun Peng. All rights reserved.