A Lonely Man
I found an normal phenomenon when people stay alone they need noises to get out of loneness. So I wanted to make a robot to show such phenomenon.
A Lonely Lamp is a lamp that alludes to people in the metropolis. People will feel lonely if there is no noise around them or no one talking to them. Just like that, this lonely lamp also needs people's attentions. People have to pick up the telephone receiver then this lamp will turn to face to people. If people talk to this lamp through that telephone receiver, this lamp will turn on and change the brightness based on the volume. If there is no noise for 5 seconds, this lamp will turn back..
Design Process
1. Arduino Nano
3. Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
4.Electret Microphone Amplifier
9.Glue gun
10. Jumper wires